Antonio Páez
Professor, School of Earth, Environment and Society
McMaster University
Tohoku Unversity
Sendai, Japan
Thesis Title: Applied Statistical Analysis of Geographically Detailed Data with Emphasis on Spatial Effects
Tohoku Unversity
Sendai, Japan
Thesis Title: Evaluation of Environmental Changes Caused by Urbanization
Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
Monterrey, Mexico
Academic Experience
School of Earth, Society and Environment, McMaster University
Hamilton, Canada
July 2014-present
Associate Professor
School of Earth, Environment and Society, McMaster University
Hamilton, Canada
July 2007-June 2014
Assistant Professor
School of Geography and Earth Sciences, McMaster University
Hamilton, Canada
July 2002-June 2007
Research Fellow-Lecturer
Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University
Sendai, Japan
October 2000-March 2002
Instructor-Topographical Survey Laboratory
Dept. of Civil Engineering, Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
Monterrey, Mexico
January 1993-December 1993
Selected Publications
A Páez, DM Scott, C Morency (2012)
Measuring accessibility: positive and normative implementations of various accessibility indicators. Journal of Transport Geography,
Number of cites (Google Scholar): 587
A Páez, DM Scott (2005)
Spatial statistics for urban analysis: a review of techniques with examples. GeoJournal, 61 (1), 53-67
Number of cites (Google Scholar): 374
JA Black, A Paez, PA Suthanaya (2002)
Sustainable urban transportation: Performance indicators and some analytical approaches. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 128 (4), 184-209
Number of cites (Google Scholar): 329
A Páez, K Whalen (2010)
Enjoyment of commute: A comparison of different transportation modes. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 44 (7), 537-549
Number of cites (Google Scholar): 300
DC Wheeler, A Páez (2010)
C. 5 Geographically Weighted Regression. Handbook of applied sapatial analysis: software tools, methods and …,
Number of cites (Google Scholar): 277
KB Newbold, DM Scott, JEL Spinney, P Kanaroglou, A Páez (2005)
Travel behavior within Canada’s older population: a cohort analysis. Journal of Transport Geography, 13 (4), 340-351
Number of cites (Google Scholar): 266
A Páez, RG Mercado, S Farber, C Morency, M Roorda (2010)
Relative accessibility deprivation indicators for urban settings: definitions and application to food deserts in Montreal. Urban Studies, 47 (7), 1415-1438
Number of cites (Google Scholar): 262
KE Whalen, A Páez, JA Carrasco (2013)
Mode choice of university students commuting to schooland the role of active travel. Journal of Transport Geography, 31, 132-142
Number of cites (Google Scholar): 259
A Páez, T Uchida, K Miyamoto (2002)
A general framework for estimation and inference of geographically weighted regression models: 1. Location-specific kernel bandwidths and a test for locational heterogeneity. Environment and Planning A, 34 (4), 733-754
Number of cites (Google Scholar): 237
A Páez, S Farber, D Wheeler (2011)
A simulation-based study of geographically weighted regression as a method for investigating spatially varying relationships. Environment and Planning-Part A, 43 (12), 2992
Number of cites (Google Scholar): 233
Selected Talks, Courses, Seminars, and Panels
Developing a companion package to support teaching spatial statistics with Introduction to Spatial Data Analysis and Statistics
Lightning Round: Teaching in the Open at McMaster, Panelist
Hamilton, Canada
March 7-2022
MacPherson Institute and McMaster University Library
Introducing Spatial Availability: A Singly Constrained Measure of Accessibility
Invited Talk, Speaker
Brasilia, Brazil
December 10-2021
Instituto de Pesquisa Econ^{o}mica Aplicada
Investigación Reproducible
VI Jornadas de Doctorado y Seminarios Novel, Keynote Speaker
Cartagena, Spain
November 29-2021
Doctorado en Economía Interuniversitario
Creation of a Living Textbook for Teaching Spatial Statistics
Lightning Round: Teaching in the Open at McMaster, Panelist
Hamilton, Canada
October 28-2021
MacPherson Institute and McMaster University Library
What’s a school worth to a neighborhood
Invited Seminar, Presenter
L’Aquila, Italy
March 17- 2021
Gran Sasso Science Institute
Transportation research seminar
Invited Talk, Speaker
Hamilton, Canada
October 1-2020
ITE Transportation Research Seminar (McMaster Chapter)
Using CycleStreets and spatial interaction analysis to infer cycling routes
Colloque Annuel de la Chaire Mobilité, Presenter
Montreal, Canada
June 16-2020
Polytechique Montreal
Big data and behavioral analysis
Invited Talk, Speaker
Madrid, Spain
July 9-2019
TRANSyT, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Como integrar aprendizaje de máquinas y econometría espacial para el análisis de precios hedónicos: un ejemplo de segmentación espacial de mercados en tres ciudades espa~{n}olas
Invited Talk, Speaker
Madrid, Spain
July 8-2019
Department of Applied Economics, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid